Posts in Soul Healing Journey
A Healing Journey with Poseidon | My Earth Angel

Everyone experiences their healing phase differently, whether it’s a mental breakdown or burnout, something leads you to a spiritual awakening which is the catalyst of your healing. Lately I’ve been reflecting a lot through journaling, as I find myself understanding life, my thoughts, and my energy through the written word. This journal entry is a glimpse into my healing journey with my own Earth Angel as my guide, my late dog Poseidon. As a Spiritual Mentor I work with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to master their energy, living from a peaceful and empowered state, rather than drained and exhausted.

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The Questions I'm Pondering | Over-Thinker to Curious Mind

Are you an overthinker or do you simply have a curious mind? Through self-reflection we can better understand ourselves, the thoughts filtering through our minds, and how we perceive the world. This journal entry shows a glimpse into my own thoughts, the questions I’ve been pondering and how I’ve shifted my perspective in a healthy and supportive way. As a Spiritual Mentor I work with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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3 Times I Surrendered to the Universe

Surrendering to the Universe is a divine and harmonious union between your masculine and feminine energy. Knowing when to take action and when to flow with trust is how you follow your soul path, creating a life of freedom and fulfillment. In this article I share 3 times I surrendered to the Universe, how it worked out for my highest good, and how this process can make your life more peaceful and enjoyable. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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3 Ways My Fear Guided Me into My Dream Life

What is fear actually telling you? Fear is the feeling that stops you in your tracks, telling you not to go in a certain direction. It sparks the fight, flight, fawn and freeze response and it keeps you playing small in life. Fear can often block you from creating changes on your path, whereas in my experience fear has guided me into my dream life. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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The Hardest Step In Your Spiritual Awakening | Life Lesson

When people experience a spiritual awakening they feel immense resistance, emotional pain, and a purpose calling them to create significant change in their lives. The beauty of having a spiritual awakening is the power you gain in recognizing you are a co-creator of your life. This blog will share the life lessons I have learned around the hardest step in your spiritual awakening. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths, sensitive souls and intuitive beings who wish to master their energy, emotions and intuition.

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Receiving Signs from the Universe | The Path to Embody Trust

How do you follow your soul path? You ask for signs from the Universe and decipher the meaning of each message to know where your energy is needed. In this blog I will share the life lesson of embodying trust and how that can be done by receiving signs from the Universe. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with sensitive souls who want to strengthen their connection with the Universe, trust their intuition and follow their soul purpose.

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How Do You Listen to Your Soul | Pressure versus Purpose | Life Lesson

Your soul keeps you in a faith-based mindset and at the root you live life being your authentic self, growing and evolving through lessons, and creating fulfillment through your purpose. In this blog I will share the main life lessons I learned through pressure versus purpose. The takeaway from this life lesson is about how to listen to my soul and live a soul-led life. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with sensitive souls who want to strengthen their connection with the Universe, trust their intuition and follow their soul purpose.

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Trying to Control versus Allowing Myself to Surrender | Soul Healing Journey Entry 13

On the hard days of life I find myself trying to control everything, plan and strategize from a stressed mind. How do I surrender to the Universe? Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her self reflection process in how she releases the unsupportive thoughts and surrenders to the Universe. In the thirteenth entry she is sharing her process of listening to her soul wisdom, letting go of pressure and overwhelm, and surrendering to the Divine Plan.

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The Abundant Flow of Spirit | Soul Healing Journey Entry 12

Spiritual healing starts with understanding my ego and the fear it stems from. Trusting the Universe starts with awakening myself as a Spirit and connecting to the energy that supports my soul growth. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her self reflection process in how she connected to the Universe and the abundance of Spirit. In the twelfth entry she is sharing the spiritual guidance she received through her morning meditation and how it helped her.

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Healing My Relationship with Receiving | Soul Healing Journey Entry 11

Healing your relationship with receiving starts with acknowledging the current thought pattern that leaves you feeling unworthy. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her self reflection process in how she uncovered the block she carries around receiving and how a past-life ties to her current issues. In the eleventh entry she is sharing the reflection and uncovering of where her relationship with receiving needs to heal.

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My Soul Truths & What I am Remembering | Soul Healing Journey Entry 10

Learning life lessons is a process, a journey, in order to turn the knowledge into soul embodied wisdom. Sydney’s soul healing journey has brought many life lessons and she is taking the time to reflect on some of them in order to remember her Soul Truths. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her self reflection and more than 20 life lessons she carries as Soul Truths today. In the tenth entry she is sharing the messages that help keep her spiritually aligned with her purpose.

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Life Lessons from 2021 - Fear of Lack & Knowing My Worthiness | Soul Healing Journey Entry 9

Here are 2 more life lessons Sydney learned in 2021 that she is continuing to embody on her spiritual journey. Her fear of lack was directly connected to her need for external validation. Knowing she is worthy stems from fully accepting herself. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her self reflection from 2021 and how she is growing through these lessons. In the ninth entry she is sharing her fear of lack and knowing her worthiness.

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Life Lessons from 2021 - Energetic Influences & External Validation | Soul Healing Journey Entry 8

My soul healing journey is about reflecting on the life lessons I’ve gathered over the years and actually integrating the wisdom into my every day life. As an empath I am easily affected by external energy and now that I know this I can support myself energetically. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her self reflection from 2021 and how she is growing through these lessons. In the eighth entry she is sharing her need for external validation and overcoming this need.

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Slow & Steady versus Rushed & Forced | Soul Healing Journey Entry 7

My ego-mind always pressures me to move quickly from the fear that I will miss out, yet my Spirit always reminds me to find connection in stillness. When I connect with the Universe I can feel accomplished with my soul purpose. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the seventh entry she is sharing through reflection how she understands her recent spiritual growth. Sydney is finding enlightenment through her soul purpose by releasing energetic resistance and aligning with her Higher Self.

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Polite People Pleaser Becomes Empowered | Soul Healing Journey Entry 6

As a people pleaser I’ve carried unhealthy behaviours that pressure me to act from fear. Overcoming my fear of people in power was a spiritually healing process for me. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the sixth entry she is sharing her experience of becoming empowered through soul healing. Sydney is growing through her soul purpose by overcoming outdated patterns and conditioned beliefs.

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